Your contributions to this ministry, through your Above Rubies bookstore purchases and financial gifts, go directly to distributing the Above Rubies Magazine subscribers and its administrative costs.
The Above Rubies Magazine is published by Nancy Campbell and the Above Rubies US ministry. Your dedicated support helps to ensure that we can quickly and efficiently get your Above Rubies Magazine to you, providing you with encouragement and hope to fulfill your God given roles.
For the Above Rubies ministry is to fulfill its mission and grow, we must have a sound financial footing. It is a challenge we continue to face everyday. Would you please help us to ensure that the Above Rubies Magazine and the Above Rubies ministry continue to serve families and make a difference in a confused, hurting and deceived world?
Your generous gifts are needed today to help proclaim this vital message of encouragement and hope to mothers and women seeking help and support to raise families for God.
For those who are able to help us on a monthly basis, we have several contribution levels for you to be apart of.
Please select one of the contribution levels from the drop-down list. Then click on the "Donate" button. You will then open PayPal for processing of your contribution.
Click on the text link below and then change the "Quantity" to increase the contribution amount ($5.00 increments):
Make a One-Time Contribution to the Above Rubies Ministry
PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687,
As always, we need your prayers also. Please continue to lift up this ministry to God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ for everything it needs to minister and to do His work.
Thank You. Yours in Christ,
Joe Goodale
Webmaster, Above Rubies