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Nancy Campbell's Audio Teaching Bundle - Mp3 Download format

RRP: $122.00
$100.00 (You save $22.00)


Product Description

Now get all of Nancy's Audio Teaching in one great big bundle.

17 full length audio teachings from various retreats Nancy has taught at over the years.

You'll receive the following titles:

affirmwhogod-3d.pngAffirm Who God Created You to Be!

Downloadable MP3 Version

Three inspiring Mp3 Audio Messages by Nancy Campbell to help you:

  • Affirm Your Uniqueness and Abilities!
  • Affirm Your Femaleness!
  • Affirm the Life of Christ in You!



Back To The Beginning

Downloadable MP3 Version

God plainly reveals His plan for marriage and motherhood in the first few chapters of Genesis. You will discover wondrous and hidden truths.

Here's what you get:

D1 - No Longer Two But One

D2 - Fully Female - Part 1

D3 - Fully Female - Part 2 & An Eden Home

D4 - God's Food

D5 - Guarding The Home

D6 - Questions and Answers


presencegodyourhome3d.pngBring the Presence of God to Your Home

Downloadable MP3 Version

Two Audio Messages by Nancy Campbell




strongmarriagemp33dsm-w.pngBuild A Strong Marriage And An Exciting Home

Downloadable MP3 Format

Do You Want An Exciting Home? Would You Like to Help Change The World From The Heart Of Your Home?

Four great teachings on the role of the wife and the power and potential of your home.

  • Teaching 1 - The Role Of A Godly Wife Pt. 1
  • Teaching 2 - The Role Of A Godly Wife Pt. 2
  • Teaching 3 - Be The Queen Of Your Home
  • Teaching 4 - Changing The World From The Heart Of Your Home

Hear about how your home should be a . . .

1. Sanctuary for God

2. Mothering/nurturing center

3. Birthing center

4. Education center

5. Praise and Worship center

6. Prayer center

7. Cultural development center

8. Social Center

9. Eating center

10. Hospitality center

11. Counseling center

12. Health and healing center

13. Industry center

14. Convalescent center

15. Garden center

"I am so encouraged and blessed. I hear an uplifting seminar in my own home!"
"My life is different because of your words. I can hear you throughout the day saying, 'You are doing a GREAT work."

changeworldmp33dsm-w.pngChanging The World From The Heart Of Your Home

Downloadable MP3 Version

Do You Want To Help Change The World?

You Can... Nancy Campbell Shares With You Ways to Impact the World Starting Right From Your Home.

Psalm 127:5 tells us that it is a happy and blessed family who have their quiver full of children. But they don’t have children just for the sake of having children. This same Scripture tells us that we are training our children to “SPEAK with the enemies in the gate.” God gives us responsibility to impart God’s ways to our children. It is not enough to tell them about God. They must KNOW Him and His Word. They must know Him and His Word in such a way that they can SPEAK for God and contend for their faith.

This series of ffive messages tells you are how to get your children ready to SPEAK AND CONTEND FOR THEIR FAITH. It gives you practical and fun ways in your family setting on how to get your children used to speaking confidently to people and contending for their faith.

As you raise arrows who are sharpened, polished, ready to confess their faith, and who can hold their own with the gainsayers, you are preparing children to change the nation and the world.

Five Mp3 Audio Messages


nancycampbellaudioteaching.jpgGird Your Loins With Truth

Downloadable MP3 Format

Are you being fed the truth?

Listen to "Gird Your Loins With Truth" now and know for sure if what your eating at church is of God or not.


godsgracemp33dsm-w.pngGod's Grace At My Place

Downloadable MP3 Version

Inspiring messages on how to walk in God’s grace in your home.

You get Five Great Messages in MP3 format:

Giving Up My Rights

Resting In The LORD

Answering With Grace

Centralizing My Energies

Enduring With Grace

Listen to "God's Grace At My Place" and strengthen your walk in God's Grace today!


nancycampbellaudioteaching.jpgHome Sweet Home

Downloadable MP3 Format

God wants a sweet anointing in your home!

Nancy Campbell delivers a message of peace and hope from God when He anoints your home with His presence.

Listen to "Home Sweet Home" today and start basking in the anointing of a home in peace.


lovelyhomesmp33dsm-w.pngLovely Homes

Downloadable MP3 Format

Four messages based on Numbers 24:5-7, “How beautiful are your tents, O Jacob; how lovely are your homes, O Israel!”

God Has a Vision For Your Family To Be:

  • Far Reaching In Influence
  • Fruitful and Flourishing
  • Fragrant
  • Faithful (to our Marriage and to Motherhood)
  • Flowing Over With God's Love
  • Fulfilled and Trusting in God Who Is
  • Far Greater Than All The gods of this World

You will be excited and inspired by this wonderful vision God gives for your home and family!

Listen to "Lovely Homes" ...build the kind of homelife you've always dreamed of.


mothersmissionmp33dsm-w.pngMothers With A Mission

Downloadable MP3 Format

What kind of children does God want us to raise for His end-time army? And how do we do it?

1. Mothers with a Mission understand God’s plan and purpose

2. Mothers with  Mission embrace God’s mandate

3. Mothers with a Mission have a vision to raise godly children:

               1) Children who love God

               2) Children who know the power of the blood of Jesus Christ

               3) Children who are obedient and know how to take orders

               4) Children who fear the Lord

               5) Children of courage and valor and who are overcomers

               6) Children who walk in truth and integrity

               7) Children who understand justice and judgment

               8) Children who have a contented spirit

               9) Children who are self-disciplined rather than self-indulgent

               10) Children who have a grateful and thankful spirit

               11) Children who know how to trust God

               12) Children who walk in the light

               14) Children who respect their elders

               15) Children who have learned to serve

               16) Children who have a good work ethic

               17) Children who know how to endure

               18) Children who are richly filled with God’s Word

               19) Children who are filled with compassion

               20) Children who will not retreat

               21) Children who follow God FULLY

4. Mothers with a Mission will not be intimidated

5. Mothers with a Mission know how to pray

6. Mothers with a Mission simplify their lifestyle

7. Mothers with a Mission have an adventure with God

8. Mother’s with a Mission don’t panic

Be inspired with a new vision as you hear these six Mp3 audio messages from Nancy Campbell

Listen to "Mothers With A Mission" and start moulding your children into the warriors God wants to use for building His Kingdom.


powerfulparentingmp33dsm-w.pngThe 8 P's of Powerful Parenting

Downloadable MP3 Version

Learn these 8 P's:

  1. Prayerful Parenting Parts 1 & 2
  2. Purposeful Parenting
  3. Patient Parenting
  4. Positive Parenting
  5. Principled Parenting
  6. Protective Parenting
  7. Permanent Parenting
  8. Persevering Parenting

Listen to "Powerful Parenting" for wonderful tips and wisdom on being great parents.


sheephaveproblems3d-sm-w.jpgSHEEP HAVE PROBLEMS

Downloadable MP3 Version

The Great Call To Shepherd Our Flocks.

An Inspiring message on serving our flocks.

Listen to "SHEEP HAVE PROBLEMS" and strengthen your family today!



shepherdingflockmp33dsm-w.pngShepherding Your Flock

Downloadable MP3 Format

We learn how to mother our children as we see the example of the Great Shepherd of the sheep in God’s Word. This series gives you 13 different ways we can emulate God’s tender heart for His flock as we mother our little flock of children.

Six Mp3 Audio Messages

Listen to "Shepherding Your Flock" now and know for sure if your tending God's flock as He wants.



enhancemarriage3d.pngTen Ways to Enhance Your Marriage

Downloadable MP3 Version

I am sure you have a good marriage, but even a good marriage can get into a rut.

God wants your marriage to be above the average.

Listen to "Ten Ways to Enhance Your Marriage" today to find out how your marriage can be better than good!



atmospherehomemp33dsm-w.pngThe Atmosphere Of Your Home

Downloadable MP3 Version

Five Mp3 Audio Messages to help you to create a heavenly atmosphere in your home.

Nancy shares 14 secrets through five message to a Godly Atmosphere and a Right Attitude in your home.

You will hear about 7 P’s for creating the right ATMOSPHERE in your Home:

1. Presence of God

2. Prayer

3. Praise

4. Patience

5. Peace

6. Pleasantness

7. Purity

You will hear about 7 S’s for creating the right ATTITUDE in your home:

1. Submissive attitude

2. Serving attitude

3. Sweet attitude

4. Shepherding attitude

5. Sunny attitude

6. Soft attitude

7. Sacred attitude

Listen to "The Atmosphere Of Your Home" and start creating a heavenly atmosphere your family will flourish in.


beautifulwomanmp33dsm-w.pngThe Beautiful Woman

Downloadable MP3 Format

Five messages on what it means to be a beautiful woman.

Nancy eloquently explains the meaning of being a "Beautiful Woman" through the eyes of God, and covers the following subjects:

Teaching 1 -

  • Having a Beautiful Spirit
  • Being in Beautiful Submission
  • Displaying a Beautiful Countenance

Teaching 2 & 3 -

  • Embracing your Beautiful Maternalness Part 1 & 2

Teaching 4 -

  • Leading as a Beautiful Warrior
  • Keeping your Beautiful Purity
  • Emitting a Beautiful Fragrance

Teaching 5

  • Encouraging with Beautiful Speech
  • Wrapping yourself in Beautiful Garments
  • Building yourself into a Beautiful Temple

 Listen to "The Beautiful Woman" and truly come to know and enjoy what it means to be a beautiful woman.


thefamilytable3dv2.pngThe Family Feast

Downloadable MP3 Format

Three Mp3 Audio Messages

The Joy of Cooking and Eating

The Power and Influence of Your Family Table

Feeding the Spirit, Soul, and Body


flourishingmothermp33dsm-w.pngThe Flourishing Mother

Downloadable MP3 Format

Are You Wilting, Surviving, Or Are You Flourishing In Your Home?

Find Out How You Can Flourish.

  • Teaching 1 - Knows Who She Is
  • Teaching 2 - Has Purpose and Vision
  • Teaching 3 - Has A Right Attitude

You will find that that . . .

1. The Flourishing mother knows who she is.

2. The Flourishing mother has purpose and vision.

3. The flourishing mother overflows with joy.

4. The flourishing mother is contented in her home.

5. The flourishing mother is in control of her home.

6. The flourishing mother lives in rest.

7. The flourishing mother has a servant attitude.

Listen to "The Flourishing Mother" and enjoy the many blessings God has for those who will heed His Word.

ORDER TODAY! You'll get a full 30 days to download all of the audio files so that you can enjoy these teachings while working, driving, relaxing, walking, etc.

Order your Mp3 audio teaching bundle today!

ONLY $122.00


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Here's our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee...

Order your Downloadable MP3 file(s) today. Listen to it, and examine the contents for a full 30 days. If after examining the MP3 you feel that this material is defective, call us and tell us you'd like to receive a replacement MP3 file.

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You may request a store credit refund within 30 days of delivery. Since this is electronic media that is easily copied, we will not issue a money refund for merchandise.

You can reach us Toll free in the US at 877-729-9861. If you live outside of the US please use 931-729-9861.
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Product Reviews

Write review

  1. Spectacular Treasure Chest!!! ♥ 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 19th Oct 2017

    This bundle of teachings by Nancy Campbell are simply ✨ Spectacular ✨ !!!
    I truly treasure gleaning from her insights and ponderings! Nancy is such a tender,kind woman with a tenacious love for God & His Word!
    This is a product every woman should purchase to savor & learn from a woman who loves the Lord with her heart, soul & mind!
    Truly Delightful!!❤

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